Elevating Excellence: Arcserve UDP Updates Bolster Ransomware Resilience, Availability, and Recovery

JUNE 27TH, 2023

We recently shared the highlights of a review by industry analyst DCIG calling Arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP) “The Obvious Solution to Simplify Data Backup and Defeat Ransomware.

That recognition speaks directly to our focus on offering cost-effective, agile, and massively scalable best-in-class solutions that eliminate the complexities of managing, protecting, and recovering all data workloads across all data environments. 

Safeguarded by Sophos Intercept X Advanced cybersecurity, Arcserve UDP uniquely combines deep learning server protection, immutable storage, and scalable onsite and off-site business continuity to support your data resilience strategy.

A critical component of Arcserve’s Unified Data Resilience Platform, Arcserve UDP delivers complete ransomware resilience for protected data and multilayered protection for priceless digital assets. 

Here’s what you can expect from Arcserve UDP, including recent updates and improvements.

Cloud-Based Management Console Adds Flexibility

Based on your needs, you can now manage Arcserve UDP with either the on-premises private management console or the cloud-based management console. Long used on-premises by IT pros, the private management console is a good choice if your environment requires a private setting. The cloud-based management console is perfect if you need more flexible controls, such as multitenancy.

Multitenant management is simplified with the cloud-based management console. You can easily configure sub-organizations and manage them like different tenants as well as separate workloads into different domains for easier management. 

Enhanced Security

Cloud Console protects data with a robust authentication system that uses Okta user authentication services. Okta’s zero trust implementation employs multifactor authentication (MFA), adding strong restrictions for countering account takeovers during ransomware attacks. Centralized user account management using Arcserve Identity Services also greatly simplifies authentication and access control.

With Google and Microsoft having deprecated and no longer offering support for basic authentication, Arcserve UDP now offers improved security via Open Authorization (OAuth). And Arcserve UDP’s email alerts can now secure communications using the recommended authentication type by providing you the option to use OAuth for Microsoft 365 and Google Cloud. Arcserve has also further tightened security with upgrades to newer versions of critical third-party components.  

Amplified Availability, Durability, and Scalability

Arcserve UDP delivers availability-oriented protection to support always-on businesses, and a recent update now boosts data availability with support for generation 2 virtual machines (VMs) on Microsoft Azure, which are purported to deliver higher performance with much-improved security. And Virtual Standby support lets you quickly spin up these VMs, offering immediate access to your data and applications. 

With Arcserve UDP, you can store deduplicated backups directly on cloud object storage, including AWS, S3, Wasabi, or Google Cloud Storage. You’ll also realize lower TCO and enhanced disaster recovery support with cloud-based offsite safe stores. New functions include the ability to copy data to another data store and virtual standby, which converts recovery points to virtual machine formats and prepares a snapshot to make data recovery easy. Both are available for use from datastores configured in AWS S3 or other object storage systems. Virtual Standby also provides high availability capabilities so the virtual machine can take over immediately when the source machine fails. Both are available for use from datastores configured in AWS S3 or other object storage systems. 

Reliable Recovery and Improved Backup Efficiency

Arcserve UDP offers fully automated and nondisruptive disaster recovery (DR) testing that is secure and reliable, so you can be confident you can recover your data. It’s simple to schedule automated disaster recovery tests and provide advanced reporting for stakeholders. And you can save backup storage space by removing unnecessary recovery points created for tests or other cases that used manual jobs and are no longer relevant.  

You can also count on reliable backup job processing, with jobs marked incomplete if the execution encounters relevant warnings that require your attention but aren’t critical enough to cause the job to fail.

Easy-to-Use Interface, Detailed Reporting, and Improved Compliance Support 

With Arcserve UDP, no extended configuration is required. The intuitive interface—with an informative dashboard viewable at a super admin or tenant level—also offers multilingual support for Cloud Console so you can provide a localized user experience.

The one-view dashboard offers per-tenant reporting, detailed information, and insightful reports regarding protection status. Retention compliance is supported by the ability to label a manual job as ‘Daily,’ ‘Weekly, or ‘Monthly’ in case the scheduled job can’t create a retention point. And a Backup Success Rate Report offers critical insights, with protection status depicted at a source level or policy level, with more options for daily, weekly, and monthly backups.

Strengthened Enterprise Application Support

Arcserve UDP delivers strong application-aware protection for enterprise applications such as Oracle Databases and Microsoft SQL Server. You may store petabytes of data critical to your business in these applications. Arcserve UDP uses agentless backup methodologies specific to applications, eliminating stress on your production systems and allowing unfettered access to source systems

Other enterprise application support enhancements include:

Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) Restore

Oracle PDBs present themselves as fully functional Oracle DB to client applications. Multiple PDBs can be consolidated into a single CDB to achieve economies of scale. You can quickly recover terabytes of Oracle PDBs backed up using Oracle RMAN with the ability to restore the entire Oracle PDB (including all tablespaces and control files) and Oracle PDB Tablespaces to their original locations.

Other additions, enhancements, and improvements for Oracle DB Protection via RMAN include:

  • Oracle DBs (CDB and non-CDB) on Solaris x64 platforms can be fully protected using Oracle RMAN, along with existing features that include non-disruptive testing using Assured Recovery, full DB-level restores, granular recovery, and many other capabilities
  • Keeping Oracle DB on Windows, UDP console, and RPS in the same domain is no longer required
  • Authentication for Oracle Linux sources using the SSH key utility is now fully automated
  • Simpler migration authentication methods are now available for moving data from Arcserve UDP 8.x to Arcserve UDP 9.0
  • Support for multiple databases in Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environments (Linux/ UNIX) is now offered 

SQL Server Protection

Arcserve UDP protects critical data stored in SQL Server databases, offering advanced protection options.The latest release enhances the experience with additions to critical areas:

  • Point-In-Time Recovery for SQL-Server is now available within the restore flow
  • Recover DB to any transaction point between two recovery points using point-in-time recovery
  • Administrators can now see individual DB sizes from within the recovery window
  • An advanced option to check to restore integrity is now included within the job settings
  • Flexibility to restore SQL DBs to alternate servers, instances, and paths and Rename SQL databases and their files
  • Proactively check databases to see if file stream is enabled before the restore
  • Restore the DB either in recovery mode or no recovery mode

New Supported Platforms

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows 11
  • VMware vSphere 8.0
  • Nutanix AHV 6.5 / Nutanix Files 4.2.z
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x & 9.x
  • Oracle 19c & 21c Stand-alone and Multitenant databases on Oracle Solaris 11.x (x64)
  • Oracle Database 21c
  • Oracle Linux 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0
  • Rocky Linux 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0
  • AlmaLinux 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9.0
  • SLES 15 SP3, SP4
  • Debian 9-11
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • VMware vSphere 7.0 Update 3
  • UDP 9.0 Database: SQL Express 2019

Learn More About Arcserve UDP

While Arcserve UDP is “The Obvious Solution to Simplify Data Backup and Defeat Ransomware,” expert help can make the difference when improving your organization’s data resilience and disaster recovery capabilities. Talking to an Arcserve technology partner is an excellent way to get answers to your most pressing questions.

Find an Arcserve technology partner here. And be sure to check out our Arcserve UDP 30-day free trial offer or learn more by requesting a demo.