How to Spot the Right MSP for Your Needs

Managed Service Provider (MSP) has become a bit of a buzz term in business lately, and that makes complete sense. When it comes to IT, companies need to be able to trust that their technology infrastructure is going to hold up through anything. In fact, in most cases, modern organizations rely entirely on the functionality of their tech.Downtime is expensive, so it’s important to have the help you need to prevent and quickly recover from it if it does happen. That’s why choosing the right MSP for your business is so important. In the end, it’s up to you to find the best fit. Here are some key things you should look for in an MSP:
  1. Can they offer solutions to your specific pain points?

Ensure your MSP can help you where you need it by asking the right questions. What is it you want your MSP to accomplish? Are you hoping to scale data storage and protection? Or are you looking for a fool-proof data recovery solution? No matter what you want to achieve, say so to the MSP and carefully examine their answers to your questions. If they can help in all the areas you require, you’ll likely enjoy using their services.
  1. Will they be available to support you when you need it?

If your MSP doesn’t offer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they won’t be able to help you at all times. Disaster can strike at any time, on any day and your MSP needs to be able to help whenever you call.
  1. Can they easily adapt to your changing needs?

Although you’ll have specific requirements you need taken care of when you start with an MSP, are they able to “go with the flow” and help you in other areas down the line as your company evolves? Perhaps you needed a disaster recovery plan when you started with an MSP, but now you need help with business and data analysis. Can this MSP take on new projects when it’s time?
  1. Will they view your business as a partner or a customer?

An emphasis on partnership is paramount to any MSP hoping to succeed with clients. With partnership comes a strong knowledge and understanding of the way a company works so the best solution can be offered. If an MSP won’t take the time to understand everything that encompasses your business, it’s likely their ability to grow and change with your company's needs will be limited.

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