Tech Conversations | Beyond the Arc: June Is Backup Awareness Month. Why Your Company Needs to Get Its Act Together Now

JUNE 6TH, 2024

Shawn Massey, Arcserve’s Americas VP of Sales, and Vitali Edrenkine, Arcserve’s EVP of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, discuss the reasons why your company needs to get its data protection act together now as we celebrate Backup Awareness Month.

Given that there is a 100 percent certainty that your company will need to restore data at some point, this discussion offers you valuable data protection insights, including:

• Typical causes of data loss 
• How the outdated 3-2-1 strategy doesn’t work anymore
• The importance of employing a 3-2-1-1 backup strategy and the value of immutable storage
• Why disaster recovery and business continuity planning must be your priority
• Why you must do more to protect your SaaS data and applications
• The importance of disaster recovery testing in ensuring business continuity and disaster recovery

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