Is Your IT Team Ready to Tackle Any Security Breach?

JULY 5TH, 2018
As the saying goes, a good offense is a great defense. When it comes to cybersecurity, taking the correct measures before a cyber-attack occurs is a necessary first step in securing your data from a breach. Implementing preventative technology to thwart things like ransomware and phishing should be a large focus of your security strategy. But in case these fail, are the IT experts in your organization ready to handle a breach? Proper training for your IT team members is the best way to prepare them for any cyber threat that may creep past your blockades. Try to develop a specific set of standards and procedures that will ensure your IT team members are trained to detect security breaches if your first line of defense fails.

Teach Your Team Members to Assume the Worst

Even if there is no sign of a security breach in your organization, train your IT team to always act as if there is an active threat. Your employees should focus on scanning more than just your network’s perimeter. Insist they review internals, including system logs that indicate whether a breach has occurred.

Give Your Team the Tools They Need

There are specific tools that are a big help when it comes to detecting breaches. Chkrootkit, for example, can discover rootkits that allow hackers to take over your network. Other programs on the market can search for suspicious files and file changes and alert your team to the breach.

Encourage At Least One IT Team Member to Attend Cybersecurity Conferences

When the opportunity to attend IT-related conferences and talks arises, try to send at least one member of your team, free-of-charge. Ask this team member to hold a one-hour training session for their peers about the new information they gathered. This will get team members excited about discovering new innovations in cybersecurity and help those teaching to have a deeper understanding of what they learned at their conference.

Train Staff to Update Antivirus and Malware Software

Communicate with your team the general schedule for security software updates and patches. When updates are missed, there will be holes in your network, leaving it wide open to cyber-attacks and security breaches.

Take Advantage of Vendor Training Opportunities

Vendor training sessions often come with software you buy for cybersecurity (like anti-virus programs). Take full advantage of these sessions, whether on-location or online, by setting up employee goals that include completing all that are available to your staff. StorageCraft is the data recovery pro and we want our clients to be experts in the products they choose to safeguard their files. When you invest in one of our online data recovery solutions, we make sure everyone on your IT team knows how to use our technology. Contact us today to learn more about our products and training.  

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