This registration form is for NCLGISA government members only. Please note that Business Partner attendance is limited to those exhibiting. Exhibitors - please reference the logistics document for instructions to register your onsite representatives. Thank you!
Registration Rates:
Full Conference Early Bird (ends April 13, 2022): $250
Full Conference Regular: $300
One Day Ticket: $100
Guest Ticket Add-On: $75
*Not to be used for colleagues. For guests of government registrants attending in a social capacity. Includes all meals and evening events.
Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be granted if cancellation is received prior to April 27, 2022; after April 27, 2022, no refunds will be given. Cancellations must be made in writing to No cancellations will be taken by phone.
Registrants who do not attend the 2022 NCLGISA Spring Symposium and/or do not contact NCLGISA via written correspondence during the set window as directed above will be responsible for the full attendee registration fee.
Substitution requests must be submitted in writing by the original registrant to Prior substitutions may be made through May 13, 2022; after May 13, substitutions will be processed onsite.
Trade Show 09:00 EST
NCLGISA Spring Symposium
The purpose of North Carolina Local Government Information Systems Association (NCLISA) is to assist its members in sharing experiences and ideas and in undertaking cooperative efforts intended to achieve the association’s goal of improving the effectiveness of local government information systems. The association is an affiliate member of GMIS, an Association of Government IT Leaders.
Government member registration is now open for the Spring Symposium. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network and learn with your peers.
May 25, 2022