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State of Data Resilience in the Enterprise

Peer insights and thought-provoking ideas to assess and improve your organization’s data resilience. 

Independent Research Commissioned by Arcserve

Data Resilience in the Spotlight

The rise of AI-powered cybercrime tools increases the risk of ransomware attacks and data breaches, while legacy risks such as remote work vulnerabilities, user errors, and natural disasters also persist. Meanwhile, as businesses adopt AI initiatives that rely on large amounts of proprietary data, the importance of protecting this data from loss or theft becomes even more crucial. 

We conducted a study on how organizations are handling these evolving challenges and are happy to share these insights, which can help you evaluate and strengthen your own data resilience strategy.

Get the Report Now

A Few Key Findings

  • 97% of survey respondents agree that their proprietary data is “moderately" or “extremely” critical to their company’s success
  • 69% of respondents said their organization’s business operations would come to a halt if it lost access to its data
  • 25%+ of survey respondents couldn’t say that their company’s leaders worry about taking proper care of the organization’s data
  • 89% of survey respondents’ organizations expect to increase their data protection budget in the future
  • 47% of survey respondents say their organization has experienced significant revenue loss due to data loss incidents
  • 80% of surveyed organizations have been hit by ransomware
  • 43% of respondents’ companies faced regulatory fines due to inadequate data protection measures


Why Get This Report

Download State of Data Resilience in the Enterprise to learn about:  

  • How organizations are investing in data resilience
  • The current state of data backup and protection practices
  • How organizations tackle ransomware and SaaS application security

The State of Data Resilience in the Enterprise

Peer insights and thought-provoking ideas to assess and improve your organization’s data resilience.