MSPs: Reputation and its Impact on Business Continuity

APRIL 4TH, 2019
As an IT pro, it’s easy to see business continuity through the lens of technology. But, as you know, business continuity is a broad concept and technology is just a small piece of it. A detailed business continuity plan includes contingencies for everything that can stop a business from doing business. What if there’s an economic downturn? What if you lose a key decision-maker? What if you’re audited? Beyond these, there’s one question, the answer to which can affect your longevity more than nearly anything else: How’s your reputation? Maintaining a rock-solid reputation is how some of the biggest brands in the world create loyal, devoted customers—it’s just as important to business continuity as technology. The steady work that comes from having a great reputation positions your organization to save better, plan better, and focus resources on growth, strategy, and so on. And since there’s no work without customers, your reputation depends on how well you can dazzle the people you work for. Ensuring Longevity Through a Positive Reputation and Customer Service
Great customer service must be at the center of your culture as a company. After a positive customer experience, 69 percent would recommend the given company to others—referrals are a great way to get business and boost your rep. Here’s a brief list of ways you can keep customers smiling:
  • Do great work. Your reputation is only as good as the work you do. Get work done quickly, well, and affordably. Ensure that every person in your organization has a high standard of quality and a fanatical devotion to customers.
  • Make things effortless. Be easy to work with. Doing this might range from making your techs accessible via instant chat to tackling small issues with the same speed and tenacity as something mission critical.
  • Be a delight to work with. Personality, poise, and presentation matter. If your customers enjoy working with you and your team, they’ll be much more likely to provide referrals—who doesn’t want to bring more opportunity to someone they like? Look sharp, be friendly, and get to know your customers. Referrals will come your way.
  • Be proactive, not reactive. Some MSPs fix something when it breaks. Others do work up front to proactively address issues before they happen. The better you can maintain systems, the fewer problems your customers have, and the less likely they’ll be to have a bad day waiting for a fix while they lose money to downtime. Be proactive, and they’ll remain stable and productive.
  • When others would stop, keep going. Most businesses don’t go a few extra feet let alone the extra mile. The most successful businesses never cut corners, get work done well, and find the little things that make a difference. Stopping by to drop off some gear or do some onsite work? Bring donuts. Just finished a project? Call the next day to see how everything is going. Haven’t heard from a client in a while? Chat them up and see how they are. The little flourishes only improve your reputation.


When it comes to business continuity, reputation is an important, but often overlooked, factor. When one bad review can knock down your online rating, and when customers are more likely to share a bad experience than a good one, it pays to take care of customers. Keeping them happy is your gateway to a great rep and a profitable, sustainable business.

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