Why MSPs Should Provide Data Management Services for Clients

When it comes to business data analytics, we're in one of the richest periods in technological history. The amount of data businesses have in their arsenal is unprecedented. From user information to website data to sales stats, big data presents an opportunity for companies to master the data they store. From there, they can improve their business practices based on their findings. The problem lies in being able to manage this data in an effective manner. Without proper data management tools, businesses can’t even begin to use the information they’ve collected. For MSPs, not capitalizing on this data is a huge missed opportunity.

The Proof Is in the Numbers

Although having data is valuable, being able to manage and analyze it is the key. Research company Vanson Bourne conducted a study on behalf of Devo Technology and found that 68 percent of 400 IT professionals and decision-makers surveyed essentially said they’re drowning in data. Their companies have so much data that they’re unable to make good use out of it. Seventy-four percent said that their organization uses different systems for real-time and historical data storage and analytics. And, last but not least, 95 percent of those surveyed have a hard time getting an overarching view of all their data.

Where the Problem Lies

It seems many businesses today have the basics down when it comes to storing and sorting their data. The problem lies in their inability to get a full picture of their information because it's stored in different places. Data silos are the Achilles heel of business analytics today. Comparing and contrasting historical and real-time data is where analytics leads to actionable discoveries. So if the two can't coexist on one platform, it's almost impossible to achieve usable results.

An Opportunity for MSPs

With many businesses storing historical data separately from real-time data, MSPs have an opportunity to offer data management tools that provide IT professionals with the overarching view they need. Companies truly need cost-effective, reliable data storage and protection solutions that keep data safe, accessible, and optimized. StorageCraft OneXafe is a converged scale-out storage and data protection platform for both physical and virtual environments. It delivers comprehensive storage and protection services in one integrated and easy-to-use solution with seamless DRaaS integration. By combining data protection with scale-out storage, OneXafe eliminates data management complexity while significantly reducing primary and secondary storage costs. No matter your clients’ data management, storage, and protection needs, OneXafe has you covered. Contact us today to find out more about OneXafe or request a free demo to see it in action.

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