If your organization isn’t using Microsoft/Office 365 or G Suite by Google Cloud for office productivity apps you’re definitely in a very tiny minority. According to Statista, G Suite’s market share is almost 57 percent while Office holds about 43 percent. It doesn’t take a calculator to see that totals to 100 percent. So, you’d figure that with so many users Microsoft and Google would have you covered when it comes to backups. You’d be wrong.
The data you generate using these productivity apps—documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and the like—is probably among the most critical to your organization. And, with the massive migration to remote work, it’s more important than ever to make sure that data is protected. Unfortunately, Microsoft and Google don’t completely protect you if your files are accidently overwritten or you’re the victim of a ransomware or social engineering attack.
That’s because while both Microsoft and Google do back up your files, they only do so for 30 days. And they don’t offer any way to recover files and folders from a specific point in time. That makes recovering a critical file saved on these platforms a real challenge. That’s where a strong backup and disaster recovery (BDR) plan that includes cloud-to-cloud backups comes into play.

Why Cloud Backups Matter
Microsoft and Google guarantee 99.9 percent uptime for their products, but there are plenty of disasters where uptime isn't the issue, it's your data's integrity. These include accidentally overwritten files, successful ransomware or virus attacks, and disgruntled employees deleting or changing files. Your cloud backup is your ultimate safety net because no matter what happens to the data you generate in your Microsoft or Google cloud-based application, it’s always safe. StorageCraft Cloud Backup lets you configure your backups of data produced in cloud-based apps to be taken every eight hours, while ensuring 24/7 availability through any internet-connected device—so you can access your data even if your hosted services go down. Cloud backups also let you reduce costs by archiving or transferring ownership of data for these productivity apps when employees leave, instead of maintaining user subscriptionsSimplify Account Management and Recovery Search
Implementing cloud backups shouldn’t be challenging. Look for a cloud solution that lets you setup, monitor, and manage all accounts from a single dashboard, without the need to log in and out of each account. You should also demand the ability to search and browse backed-up files across all of your supported productivity applications. With automated backup audit reports, another StorageCraft Cloud Backup feature, you can also be confident that your backups are being taken as scheduled and your data is protected.Make Recovery a Snap
One of the big weaknesses of these productivity apps is that, even if you can access critical backed-up data following a data loss, you may not be able to restore the exact version of a file or folder you are looking for. While G Suite, Microsoft 365, and Office 365 don’t allow recovery of a specific version of a file—or any version after 30 days—StorageCraft Cloud Backup lets you select the exact version of the file or folder you are looking for, and easily recover it in its original format. Cloud backups also offer a cost-effective long-term solution for archived data so you can respond to regulatory compliance requirements or e-discovery efforts without filling up your primary storage. And with cloud backup you’ll never need to add storage space, upgrade software, or worry about onsite backup servers failing.Conclusion
No doubt about it, Microsoft/Office 365 and G Suite are incredibly powerful productivity solutions. They just need a little help when it comes to BDR. Sign up for a live demo with a StorageCraft engineer to learn how you can put a solution in place that ensures all of your data—including your Microsoft/Office and G Suite data—is always available.You May Also Like
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