Tech Conversations | Beyond the Arc - Halloween Edition: Teachable Moments from Scary Real-Life IT Stories

OCTOBER 23RD, 2024

Watch Arcserve's Shawn Massey, VP of Sales, Americas, for this Halloween Special session of Beyond the Arc.

Shawn takes you on a thrilling ride through some of the scariest moments he’s faced in his career—real-life incidents and cybersecurity nightmares that could keep any IT leader awake at night.

You'll learn how Shawn—then managing a hosting center for a VAR—and his team endured a catastrophic fire. He’ll describe the challenges they faced during the eight-day recovery process.

Shawn also shares how a resort client had a hardware issue on a New Year’s Weekend—when it was at total capacity—and the unusual steps he took to get the client back up and running.  


Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from someone who has survived unscathed in the trenches.